FREE Live Workshop For ACTIVE Real Estate Wholesalers & Investors Only!

Discover How To 4X Your Deal-Flow & Double Your Avg Profit Per Deal With The Leads You Already Have ↙️

Register Using the Button Below and Learn the Exact "Wholesale 2.0" Novations Strategy We Used to Close 18 Additional Deals in February 2024, Earning an extra $322,040.10 in Total Profits, All Without Spending Any More Money On Marketing.

⛔️ If You Are Not Actively Doing Deals As An Investor OR Wholesaler - DO NOT Request Your Spot And Please Leave This Page Now ⛔️

Join Eric Brewer LIVE At The "Wholesale 2.0" Novations Workshop On Thursday, March 14th, Starting At 3:00PM EST.

"Wholesale 2.0" Novations Workshop

Step By Step Training

4x Your Deal-Flow & 2x Your Profit

You'll Learn...

  • How to enjoy larger profit spreads per deal, even existing wholesale transactions.
  • How to revive dead leads and 4X your deal flow from "unmotivated seller" leads without spending any more money or effort on marketing and sales.
  • How to work with more sellers to quick flip "ugly" distressed houses AND profit from "pretty" retail-ready houses.
  • How to ​access the biggest buyer pool. Sell your deals to cash buyers AND retail buyers on the MLS even if they're using FHA / mortgage financing, even without a license

Enter Your Details To Attend This Exciting FREE Event LIVE On Wednesday, June 28th, Starting At 3PM EST

Access To This "Wholesale 2.0" Novations RE Training Will Be Open For A LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Workshop Starts In:


You'll Learn...

  • How to enjoy larger profit spreads per deal, even existing wholesale transactions.
  • How to revive dead leads and 4X your deal flow from "unmotivated seller" leads without spending any more money or effort on marketing and sales.
  • How to work with more sellers to quick flip "ugly" distressed houses AND profit from "pretty" retail-ready houses.
  • ​How to ​access the biggest buyer pool. Sell your deals to cash buyers AND retail buyers on the MLS even if they're using FHA / mortgage financing, even without a license

"Wholesale 2.0" Novations Workshop

Step By Step Training

4x Your Deal-Flow & 2x Your Profit

This Workshop Will Be Held LIVE On Wednesday, March 14th, Starting At 3PM EST.

Enter Your Details To
Attend This Exciting FREE Event!

Access To This "Wholesale 2.0" Novations RE Training Will Be Open For A LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Workshop Starts In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

What Investors Are Saying About The "Wholesale 2.0" Novations Strategy's Impact In Their Businesses


This Workshop Will Be Held LIVE On Wednesday, July 26th, Starting At 3PM EST.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
You'll Learn How:
  • This legal loophole lets in-the-know investors "wholesale" houses to retail buyers even if they use traditional bank financing. 
  • If you’re an active real estate investor, you’ll see how to use this unique process I’ve discovered to close more deals and increase your average profit per deal without spending any more money on marketing.
  • Make more from "dead" leads. Because you can work with a bigger buyer-seller base you can add Novations to the deals you currently have. Of every 10 current seller leads, 4 are potential Brewer Method Novations.
  • And So Much More...

Register For This Free Exclusive Training

LIVE: Wednesday, 
June 28th at 3pm Eastern

“I do more than 400 Real Estate Transactions per year in wholesales, rehabs, buy & holds. My unique NOVATION strategy is - by far - the most effective and most profitable method for today’s market in 2022 and beyond!

In fact, in the last 12 months alone, thanks to this strategy I found an additional 65 deals totaling $1,798,376 in profit I would have otherwise missed without the Novation strategy I share."

- Eric Brewer
Integrity First Home Buyers
Creator of Brewer Method Novations

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated anywhere on this funnel are individual deal figures and marketing results. Please understand that deal figures are not typical, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of doing real estate for many years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who simply accesses any “how-to” program may not follow through on what they are being taught and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific result. We are using these references for example purposes only. Deal figures will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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